Micro- to nanoscale
Molecular, Mineralogical, Morphological and
isotopic identification of Micro and Macro-fossils



Lepot K., Williford K. H., Philippot P., Thomazo C., Ushikubo T., Kitajima K., Mostefaoui S. and Valley J. W., 2019. Extreme 13C-depletions and organic sulfur content argue for S-fueled anaerobic methane oxidation in 2.72 Ga old stromatolites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 244, 522–547.

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Javaux, E.J., Lepot, K., 2018. The Paleoproterozoic fossil record: Implications for the evolution of the biosphere during Earth's middle-age. Earth-Science Reviews, 176:68-86.



Lepot, K., Addad, A., Knoll, A.H., Wang, J., Troadec, D., Béché, A. and Javaux, E., 2017. Iron minerals within specific microfossil morphospecies of the 1.88 Ga Gunflint Formation. Nature Communications, 14890.

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Fadel, A., Lepot, K, Busigny, V., Addad, A., Troadec, D., 2017. Iron mineralization and taphonomy of microfossils of the 2.45–2.21Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia. Precambrian Research, 298:530-551

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Lekele Baghekema, S.G., Lepot, K., Riboulleau, A., Fadel, A., Trentesaux, A., El Albani, A., 2017. Nanoscale analysis of preservation of ca. 2.1 Ga old Francevillian microfossils, Gabon. Precambrian Research, 301:1-18